A lot of guys new to the game mistake it for something it’s not. Confidence is a tricky thing. Before game you may have a little to none. You read a couple of books here and there. Follow the right bloggers, learn a few things and your confidence starts to increase more. You go on a few dates get a couple of bangs and it increases even more. But it’s easy to mistake it to abuse it, to wear it all wrong. A lot of PUAs tell you to be confident because you know game. To just show up on a date and expect to get the girl just based on being an alpha. But that’s where a lot of guys fall into trouble. What is that annoys us the most about women? They show up and think their masters degrees make them the shit. Their high power careers some how translate to us wanting them. Guys shouldn’t think the same way. Don’t expect your game to work because you have a good job or money. Don’t get confidence from your clothes, your car or where you live. Don’t put confidence in material things or things that can be taken away from you or lost. If you know game and have a great job it’s natural to have tons of confidence and swagger. But what would happen if you lost that job or got fired and you tried to go out the next night and pick up girls? You’d still know the same amount of game as the day before yet how confident would you feel approaching women knowing you were broke or unemployed? I’ll be honest when I first started learning game i was intimidated by a lot of the women I went on date with. I often felt that I was out of my league. But as with most things the repetition is what led to true confidence. Real confidence comes from knowing I’ve been in that pick up situation before. I have the approaches under my belt I’ve said the words or something similar to them in the past. OR I’ve been on numerous dates that have gone well. I now feel that I expect and deserve that my interactions with women should go well. I’ve put in the work, I’ve taken the hits. I’m not better than the women I game but I’ve earned the right to be in the ring. For you new guys learning game, earn the real confidence. Approach approach approach. And when your done, approach some more. Never stop approaching. If you get a chance to go on a date take it. Eventually women will be able to tell that you’re used to talking and being around them.